11 Milliron Ranch test Site
Prescott, Arizona
What We Do 


For those cow men out there; we sell Angus stockers that have been gentled down and are on the gain. No implants, no hormones, no grain. We cut the bulls and give all calves a 7-way. For those that need an interpretation it means that we sell weaned Angus calves that are 6-9 months old weighing between 400-700 pounds. They know how to behave and eat in a corral. The calves have been exposed to enough human activity that there is a high probability that they won't go crazy and try to stomp on you or jump over a fence when you approach. They've been weaned from their mothers milk long enough to loose their baby fat and that they are healthy and putting weight on simply by eating grass and forage exclusively. And all this was accomplished without the use of artificial means. The only medicine they've been given is a vaccine to prevent the fatal Blackleg disease and the bulls were given penicillin when they became steers. 


How We Do It
Our breeding stock and calves by their moms side spend their lives on the range doing what nature intended.  They are pretty much on their own to fend off predators, find food, shelter and reproduce. No artificial insemination, no implants  no growth hormones or steroids for our beeves.


This does not mean that we just dump them out on the range and say, "Good luck see ya next year." We ensure that they have plenty of water, salt and minerals available at all times. About every other day or so we mount up and go check on them. We do not want them to get themselves into too much trouble!  We also want them to get used to being around people on horseback, afoot and in vehicles.

After we wean the calves, we put them in a small pasture with a corral.   It gives us a chance to watch them and gentle them down before selling them. Their diet consists of alfalfa, grass hay and whatever they can find in the pasture.  They get to come and go from the corral as they please.   Pretty much their only worry is where they are going to lay down to chew their cud or spend the night.

Who We Do It For

Some of our customers are ranchers looking to pick up a few extra stockers. Some are those who want to raise and finish their own beef their way. They want to know what is in their food. They want to eat healthy food. Not meat loaded with growth hormones and antibiotics. Others want to simply reduce their food bill. Some are looking for a FFA/4H project to instill in their children the sense of responsibility that comes from caring for an animal 24/7 365 days. But the one thing that our customers have in common is that they appreciate a beeve that has been gentled down and is not as waspy as one fresh off the range.  


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